Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20: Thursday, January 20th, 2011

Today was a little tougher than usual.  Decided to go out to lunch with a co-worker.  I didn't get anything but watching him eat Greek food it was tough!  Smelled good and looked good.  But this is worth it.

So I am noticing in my pictures that my back is the one thing that is getting bigger and bigger.  I always felt I had a large back and it was the easy place for me to gain muscle.

Other thing I noticed is I am rock hard.  The front and sides of my abs are rock.  My chest is rock.  My arms are rock.  I was explaining to a person I can tell now when people are using creatine.  He asked how.  I stated they look bloated.  They may look strong and big but there is no definition.  This is something I do not want.  I would rather be smaller but cut.  Not big and fat looking.

So due to get a tattoo on Saturday I am moving my Saturday workout to Friday and my Friday workout (which requires no gym to Saturday).  I don't want to not have time for my workout because I got out too late from the tattoo shop.

On a side note I actually feel really bad that I am getting a tattoo from someone other than my friend Luke.  Luke if you see this, I am sorry but don't worry the tattoos that truly will take an expert to do our yours to do.

So I weighed in at 172.5 this morning (still up and down between 172 and 173.5 lbs).  Here are the pics from this morning.

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