Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1: Saturday, January 1st, 2011

Well I started it .... and wow!

So I will start off like I had said the last past week (Christmas Eve till New Years Eve) I basically pigged out and  didn't workout as much as would have liked.  So out went the abs and in came a little layer of fat.  So when i woke up this morning to take my picture i looked in the mirror and was a little disturbed by my look.  Lets just say it sort of added up.

Here is a picture of me around the beginning of December i think

Yes I have a toothbrush in my mouth.

Okay so here are the pictures of me this morning.....

Now you see put a little bit of fat.  Still skinny though.

Now you see I added a little bit of a layer of fat and lost some muscle mass.  So here is what amazed me, I can see my abs right now as I am writing this.  This is just after one day on the diet.  Body is burning the fat off quickly.  Is there some muscle probably going, I don't know yet.  That will probably start to show within a couple of days if I am losing muscle mass instead of gaining as the site says.

Now the hunger issue has happened.  Am I starving?  No.  Am I sort of hungry?  Yes.  But the drinks fill me up right away and keep me full for a couple of hours which they are supposed to.  But you have to figure I have been on a 4000 calorie diet since probably summer and today I ate around 1800 to 1900 calories which is less than half than I am used to.

My meals followed exactly what they said they should on the plan:

0915 - 2 pills of Hotrox
0930 - Made shake - 2 scoops protein, 2 scoops super food, 1 scoop leucin, 1 scoop flaxseed, 1 serving fiber, and 1 pill flameout.
1230 - Made shake - 2 scoops protein, 1 scoop leucin, 1 serving fiber, 1 pill flameout.
1530 - Workout drink - 2 scoops Surge Recovery
1730 - Made shake - 2 scoops protein, 1 scoop leucin, 1 serving fiber, 1 pill flameout.
1900 - 2130 - 1 pill Hoxrox
1945 - Made shake - 2 scoops protein, 2 scoops super food, 1 scoop leucin, 1 scoop flaxseed, 1 serving fiber, and 1 pill flameout.
2015 - Made shake - 2 scoops protein, 1 scoop leucin, 1 serving Natural Peanut butter, 1 flameout.

Kind of disappointed in the peanut butter as i hoping for I guess a sugar like taste and that is plain as hell.

Workout wise i did the following at 1500 till 1530 today:

Bent-over bar bell rows
Set 1 - 205 lbs/4reps
Set 2 - 205 lbs/4reps
Set 3 - 205 lbs/4reps
Set 4 - 205 lbs/4reps
Set 5 - 205 lbs/4reps

Overhead barbell squat
Set 1 - 95 lbs/4reps
Set 2 - 95 lbs/4reps
Set 3 - 95 lbs/4reps
Set 4 - 95 lbs/4reps
Set 5 - 95 lbs/4reps

Set 1 - 70 lbs/4reps
Set 2 - 70 lbs/4reps
Set 3 - 70 lbs/4reps
Set 4 - 70 lbs/4reps
Set 5 - 70 lbs/4reps

Abs Roll-out
Set 1 - 4 reps
Set 2 - 4 reps
Set 3 - 4 reps
Set 4 - 4 reps
Set 5 - 5 reps

I did leave with a sweat and little sore.  Quick workout as each set was 30 seconds between the other.

So my weight waking up today was 180 lbs., I am pretty sure I will be at least 178 if not lower tomorrow when I weight myself.

Till tomorrow .... good night.

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